upvc windows

UPVC (Unplasticized Polyvinyl Chloride) windows are a type of window made from unplasticized PVC material. They have several advantages that make them a popular choice in construction and building. Here are some details about UPVC windows:


  1. Thermal and Acoustic Insulation: UPVC windows provide good insulation against heat and cold, which helps reduce energy costs. They also offer good sound insulation, reducing outside noise.
  2. Weather Resistance: UPVC windows are unaffected by weather conditions such as rain, humidity, and heat, making them long-lasting without corrosion.
  3. Low Maintenance: These windows require less maintenance compared to wooden or metal windows, as they can be easily cleaned with water and soap.
  4. Sustainability: UPVC material can be recycled, making it an environmentally friendly option.
  5. Security: UPVC windows can be designed with additional security features, such as multi-point locks, which increase safety levels.


  1. Cost: The price of UPVC windows may be higher than some other options like wood or aluminum, although they may provide long-term savings on energy costs.
  2. Color Changes: The exterior colors of the windows may be affected by sunlight over time, which could require repainting or replacement.


UPVC windows are used in various types of buildings, both residential and commercial. They come in different shapes and sizes to suit design needs.